Your registration is not complete until the agreement below is agreed to.
GVR Volleyball Club Hold Harmless Agreement
By execution of this agreement I accept and assume full responsibility for any and all injuries, damages (both economic and non-economic) and losses of any type, which may occur to me while playing volleyball (in the pool, on the sand, and/or in the racquetball courts), and I hereby fully and forever release and hold harmless the GVR Volleyball Club, its directors and its members from any and all claims, demands or damages. I understand and acknowledge that I run the risk of serious injury while playing volleyball and I agree to be solely responsible for the safety and well-being of myself. I agree to comply with the GVR Code of Conduct and GVR Volleyball Club rules. I agree to conduct myself in a controlled and reasonable manner at all times in order to avoid injury to myself and others.
Person 1 - I agree to the terms and conditions above
Person 2 - I agree to the terms and conditions above